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Home / Products / Partners & Collections / Michael Young x Coalesse
In designing a counterpart to the beloved LessThanFive chairs, Michael Young and the Coalesse Design Group
reunited to take more forms (and materials) into surprising new territory.
Stools, Lounges, Chairs and Tables showcase craft at scale and material innovation. Explore below:
The team first studied how and why we use tables. While the LessThanFive chairs convey ‘lightness’ and mobility, a strong, heavy table could be juxtaposed as the foundation that anchors a room. That pairing led to the exploration of cast iron for its natural weight and stability. Yet common to both carbon fiber and cast iron — endless craft-ability, into any form imaginable.
“For me, design is all about the evolution of shape and form, and what the materials bring to the environment that we live in.”
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